Friday, November 29, 2019
Drug And Alcohol Use By Student Athletes Essays - Drinking Culture
Drug And Alcohol Use By Student Athletes The topic that I have chosen is student athletes' use of drugs and alcohol. I'm interested to see if the old theory that student athletes tend to stay away from these things still holds true today. From my own personal experience as a former high school and college football player, I doubt that this is true. I'd also like to find some studies that may compare student athletes to the general student body to see if there is a correlation of usage between these two groups. With the many stories of athletes being arrested for alcohol and drug abuse, I feel this information may be helpful in setting up a drug prevention program at the high school or middle school level. Carr et al. (1990) looked at the frequency of alcohol use, intoxication, and attitudes concerning adolescent alcohol abuse. They found that male high school athletes both use and abuse alcohol more frequently than do non-athletes. Also male non-athletes tend to abstain from alcohol use more than the athletes do. They found no difference in the frequency of use or abuse of alcohol by female athletes and non-athletes. There was also no difference in the frequency of alcohol consumption between male and female athletes. But three fourths of the male athletes reported getting intoxicated when consuming alcohol compared to half of the female athletes. The study by Tricker and Connolly (1997) examined the attitudes of athletes who were at risk for using steroids, amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana. They found that seventeen percent of the athletes surveyed felt that marijuana use was an acceptable way to cope with the pressures of sport. Also the main reason for athletes abstaining from drug use was their fear of getting caught, rather than personal health risks. Another big influence of athletes using or not using drugs was peer pressure from teammates. Shields' (1998) study looked at the in-season and off-season use of alcohol by high school athletes and also compared it to a similar study done w/ the same population in 1988. Overall, athletes are using alcohol less both in and off-season in the current study compared to 1988. Also they used less alcohol during their in-season than off-season. It was found that white athletes are 2.5 times more likely to use alcohol both in and off-season compared to black athletes. Hayes and Tevis (1977) looked for significant differences or relationships between high school athletes and non-athletes with respect to drinking behaviors and attitudes about alcohol use and abuse. They found non-athletes used alcohol more and were more tolerant of others using it compared to athletes. Overall, males had a more tolerant attitude than females toward temperate and irresponsible use of alcohol. There seemed to be a correlation between attitudes of irresponsible drinking and who drinks the most, being the more they drank the more tolerant their attitudes were. Overman and Terry (1991) compared the patterns of use and attitudes toward alcohol by college athletes and non-athletes. There was no significant difference between the drinking behaviors of athletes and non-athletes, though athletes did report drinking more beer. Athletes tended to limit drinking to weekends and special occasions, and seemed to think of it more as a celebration. Differences in drinking behaviors were found between black and white students with regards to choice of drink, frequency of drinking, problems caused by drinking. Ewing (1998) wanted to see if high school students who participated in athletics and a different pattern of marijuana use compared to non-athletes. He found male athletes are more likely to try marijuana and have used it more than their non-athlete counterparts. Female athletes are the opposite in that they use marijuana less than non-athletic females. But female athletes are more likely than non-athletes to wait until post-high school before trying it for the first time. Green et al. (1995) researched if there were psychological factors associated with alcohol use or non-use by high school athletes. They found that anger was a significant difference between athletes who use alcohol and those who don't. There were no other significant psychological differences found. The three main reasons athletes gave for drinking were to have a good time with friends, to celebrate, and to make
Monday, November 25, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay Sample on Alcoholism and Its Effects on People
Cause and Effect Essay Sample on Alcoholism and Its Effects on People Like smoking, alcoholism has become a major health concern in many societies. The percentage of alcoholics has increasing significantly in a number of industrialized countries, making it a matter of national concern. Alcoholism-related deaths have increased dramatically in these countries. Additionally, the consumption of stump-liquor, or the making and drinking of illegal alcohol, continues to result in blindness and even death. Local and state governments have tried to address the problem partly through establishing laws concerning when alcohol can be sold or publically consumed. The approach taken to fight alcoholism differs depending on local and state government policies. For example, some countries prohibit drinking until one has attained a certain age of maturity. Despite such attempts to reduce incidents of alcoholism, it still continues to be a problem, especially among young people. Alcohol is one of the drugs that are deemed to cause serious problems among the younger generation. The motivators for consuming alcoholism are hard to generalize, since different cultures have different beliefs concerning the consumption of alcohol. However, it is agreed that like smoking, alcoholism is greatly influenced by peer pressure. Upon reaching a certain age, a person finds himself/herself in the company of friends whose preferred mode of relaxing is consuming alcoholic drinks. Unless one has strong principles, it is usually hard to resist the temptation and pressure to take that first drink of alcohol. Gradually, the person gives in, and alcohol consumption becomes a regular habit. Secondly, alcoholism is caused by the misperception that it is good for temporal relief from the harsh realities of life. Every alcoholic will insist that life feels good after one has had a drink. This misperception has spread even to enlightened individual. As a result, an elite group of alcoh olics who relieve their stress by drinking has emerged. Thirdly, some cultures openly embrace drinking alcohol as the reward for a successful feat. Due to these issues and other causes, alcoholism has greatly hindered the realization of personal goals. It also affects employers of people who wreck their health due to excessive alcoholic consumption. In addition, it has negatively impacted families and is a popularly cited reason for domestic violence. The general nature of alcoholics is that they always want to be right, and anyone who opposes their views risks facing their wrath, which is mostly manifested through physical abuse. Another effect of alcoholism is that it lowers a person’s dignity. This is because most drunken persons rarely know what they are doing. This is why it is easy to find a drunken person uttering abusive words in front of his/her children. It is the responsibility of governments to step in by launching campaigns to educate citizens against the consumption of illegally brewed alcohol and of excessive drinking in general, as well as underage drinking. Tips on cause and effect essay writing: A quality cause and effect essay is one that begins with a captivating introduction. Although the instructions clearly indicate that an essay should outline the causes and impacts of a given issue, one cannot simply begin discussing the causes without first familiarizing the reader with the topic being discussed. For example, a good cause and effect essay on alcoholism should begin with an overview of alcoholism. Where possible, the assertions in the essay should be supported by accurate statistical information. In this case, a helpful tip would be to provide statistical evidence of government funds spent on alcoholism-reduction campaigns.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Introduction To ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction To ART - Essay Example The shapes of these rings are quite different. The first ring from the left is round with a square diamond decoration that is yellow in color. The second ring is beige in color and is round in shape but it is flat from the front view. The other ring is blue in color and it is also thickly rounded with its surface also decorated with different lines. The lines that repeat themselves in the background develop unity as they show how different colors such as blue, purple and shades of yellow could be used together. Generally, the outline of this advertisement entails warm colors of different tones. The colors have at least two tones; dark and light. All in all, the different colors used on the rings could be said to be gender specific. Thick and thin lines have been used in this advertisement. The thick dark lines show the dark tone of the colors used and the thin lines have been used to indicate the light shades of the colors used. The rings have been symmetrically represented at the bottom of the advertisement unlike the upper part that has the statement. The texture of the background surface has been depicted as rough by the bold checked lines at the top while the bottom has faint checked lines that depict some smoothness. The advertisement was placed online by the Rocks by Request Company to reach the several masses that have access to the internet so that they could learn about the qualities of diamond before they can buy them form potential jewelers. The retailers also used internet advertisement so as to increase their sales. The company has maintained connectivity so as to include human characteristics in e-commerce by including both technology and culture in organizations that retail in diamonds. Rings have always been a symbol of love in the form of material. Therefore, diamond rings would symbolize uniqueness and status of the couple as not many people are able to buy them. The different colors used on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Employment Law - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss the employment law. Based on a case, the paper will explore relevant legal principles in employment law with the aim of advising a party over possible claims. Facts of the case Kareen has been employed at Coombes & Partners architect firm for six years, a period in which she has served as a receptionist and has been offering exemplary services. Her mother is currently ill, having suffered from a stroke, and has for this reason moved to stay with her, forcing Kareen to double up as a care giver at home and an employee. As a result, Kareen wrote to her manager to request for a variation in working conditions that include change in reporting time and departure time. Besides request for fewer daily working hours, she also requested her working days to be reduced from five days a week to four. Her request was however rejected by her manager on grounds that her line of duty is normally busy during morning hours and that a late reporting time could not therefore be granted. The manager further noted that the organization’s policy does not allow receptionists to work on part time schedules. A male trainee, Audio, at the firm has also been making verbal suggestive advances towards Kareen. The trainee has also reportedly patted Kareen on her bottom, an act that offended her. Though she reported the issue to her manager, no action was taken. The trainee, then in a separate incident, tried to kiss her by force. In reaction, Kareen hit him forcing him to fall on a desk. Adio reported Kareen’s reaction and the manager summoned her for a hearing. In the hearing, that Kareen describes as intimidating, Adio accused her of hitting him without a reason and denied any sexual advancement towards her. The manager then gave her a dismissal letter to which she did not appeal due to her anger. Issue One of the issues to be determined in the case is existence of an employee’s right to a flexible working condition and the circumstances und er which the employer can violate such a right. Another issue to be determined is existence of sexual harassment and the nature of liability that is induced by acts of sexual violence. Termination of an employment contract is also an issue for determination. Rules and application Kareen, as an employee, is legally entitled to flexible working conditions as provided for by the law and based on the facts that she has worked for the organization for a period of six years. Based on the provisions of the Employment Rights Act1, Kareen has a right to apply, to her employer, for an option to work under conditions that are more flexible. Such conditions may include shorter working hours or rescheduled timetable with respect to reporting times as well as the times at which she may leave work. Chandler explains that such a right would be extended to Kareen if she were a parent or a guardian who is responsible for the care of a child who is younger than six years or a minor who has been identi fied with a disability. Based on a written application, Coombes & Partners is therefore legally obliged to grant such request unless there are serious negative consequences that the enterprise may suffer for granting the flexible condition. Such reasons, however, must be communicated.2 Lewis and Thornbory however categorically specify that all employees are entitled to the right to flexible working condition if reason for application is for care of a relative. According to the authors, an
Monday, November 18, 2019
Optimizing the condition of the PCR detecting of PTEN gene in DNA Research Paper - 1
Optimizing the condition of the PCR detecting of PTEN gene in DNA derived from human cell lines, associated with ageing and senescence - Research Paper Example Traditional PCR is used for amplifying DNA for sequencing, genotyping and cloning. However, this has a number of shortcomings namely; poor precision, low sensitivity, short, dynamic range of less than 2 logs, low resolution, is non-automated, based on discriminatory size only, results cannot be expressed as numbers, the staining agent ethdium bromide is not efficient at quantification and finally, post-PCR processing is required. This paper looks at the analysis of PTEN using traditional PCR method. The process was not successful despite the necessary steps being undertaken. PTEN primer, when used on a Hacat cell line, showed annealing at approximately 62 degrees. However, the use of PTEN with similar parameters that were later altered for optimization yielded no results. The methodology has been discussed, and the gel results showing synthesized images have been included in this report. The discussion that covers the PCR process and its effectiveness has also been included. The fidelity of the PCR process has been discussed to extrapolate on the possible reasons for the failure of this analysis. Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog gene commonly referred to as PTEN gene provides the necessary instructions for the synthesis of a protein that is present in almost all body tissues (Sulis, 2003). The protein is significant in its function as a tumor suppressor and aids in the regulation of cell division by inhibiting cells from diving and growing too fast or uncontrollably. PTEN is a phosphotase which modifies other fats and proteins through the removal of phosphate groups comprising of one phosphorus atom and three oxygen atoms (Cohen 1990). There are a number of medical conditions that are linked to PTEN gene mutation including : Cowden Syndrome and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome(Weary et al, 1972; Cohen 1990) which are often termed together as the PTEN hematoma tumor syndrome. The gene mutations that are responsible for these conditions are found in body
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Connectivity A Consumer Trend Marketing Essay
Connectivity A Consumer Trend Marketing Essay This project is in lieu of 50% of our grade. This report is based on connectivity as a consumer trend. It throws light on the history, evolution and future of connectivity as a trend. This report has been compiled by Athina DSilva (ID-101648277) and Callahan Brown (ID-101664347), under the supervision and guidance of Professor Noela Michael. C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIACAGCAT10j0287005.wmf CONSUMER TREND: CONNECTIVITY WHAT IS A CONSUMER TREND? According to ANDY HINES, it is important to keep track of consumer trends as it helps in providing a primer on the evolving global trends, and how these global trends further evolve in the future (Hines. A 2008, p23). The knowledge gathered from the study of trends can be put to use in terms of detecting threats, uncovering new opportunities, crafting strategies, exploring new market products and services and most importantly understanding consumer needs. Hence as defined by the English dictionary a consumer trend may be defined as consumer habits or behaviors that prevail among customers of a particular good or service. It is helpful to keep track of these trends as it not only help forecasters determine simply how much a particular group of customers buy a product or service but also how much they spend. Data collected by a trend forecaster may include information on how much a consumer uses a particular product/service, and how they communicate with their social network about that particular brand. In the year 2012, connectivity is said to be one of the consumer trends that is evolving and has already become a necessity to millions. An article by CHRIS FOX talks about the different trends that are booming which will continue to do so, but the overall theme of all these trends is connectivity. Chris Fox explains how, in spite of the business/electronics world becoming more and more complex by the day the consumers seem to be keeping up and adapting to these changes fast. Connectivity does not only define the internet but also branches out to entertainment connectivity such as television, cable or satellite TV. Then there are smart phones, ultra books, connected appliances, card less payments etc (Fox, C 2012, p 8-9) CONNECTIVITY AS A TREND: A higher emergence of new technology seems to be spanning the media, social space, internet and telecom; hence the digital consumer came in to being .consider the fact that the TV took 13 years, radio took 38yearsand the internet took 4 years to hit 50 million users; (Infosys, 2011). This not only shows us how technology is evolving rapidly but has also accelerated these changes in the digital landscape and how fast these digitally active consumers accept and embrace these changes with ease. Consumers have changed the way consumers make purchase decisions, communicate, respond and transact. INFOSYS analyzed this trend and the participants in the digital economy; they fully realized the need to place and make sure the digital consumers were at the core of their business. (Infosys, 2011) The landscape for wireless connectivity is evolving rapidly, and with these modifications come new challenges for delivering the best quality of consumer experience. Over the last few years there has been a huge growth in volume in terms of mobile data consumption not only by laptops and computers but also smart phones. Smart phones in particular, have seen a massive expansion in numbers with the smart phone forecasts to rise to approximately 64 percent of all cell phone sales in Western Europe by 2015. Public Wi-Fi networks have grown beyond expectations as well. For example -in the UK British Telecommunication plc has now over 1.5million public hotspots. (Orlandi, et al 2011, p1) Not so long ago customers were connecting to the internet via a dial -up connection modem. The birth of the broadband initially offered the advantages of high data rates as well as an always on connection. But now this so called broadband connection is not solely for using the internet but it also supplies its customers with high definition broadcast TV and enhanced telephone services. This offer goes by the name of Triple Play , this form of connectivity has already spread from The middle east to most European countries like France and is rapidly becoming the norm everywhere. (Hows, C 2006, p73) Figure 1: AOL BOX , Source : Hows, C (2006) FIGURE 1 depicts the Triple Play technology. The AOL box (figure 1) has a high speed ADSL 2+ modem and voice over IP capability. An Ethernet port allows a connection from the set top box to the TV thus providing their customers with high speed internet, a cable TV offer as well as n enhanced telephone line. ( Hows, C 2006, p73) WHATS BEEN INVESTIGATED AND FOUND OUT BY MARKETING THEORISTS ON CONNECTIVITY AS A TREND: The alignment between end-user products and services that accompany them is a key trend in this industry. This has been proved in the case of Apple computers Incs I pod i.e. a portable digital music player, which is integrated with I tunes music store. The development between the service and handset relationship has proved to be a success. Enabling the transfer of ringtones from a mobile operator to a mobile phone that can play it clearly is a powerful yet simple example of the service-to-platform convergence service. Facilitating this link between the 2 allowed mobile operators who deployed this service to generate revenue from each subscriber for services they subscribed to other than a voice connection as depicted in figure 2. Figure 2 : U.S. Mobile Phone Revenues ARPU: 1999-2010 Source: Scherf, K (2006) The figure above shows the gradual increase in the revenue from the year 2000 to 2010. Another example would be the sales of high definition television and the upgrade to a HD television service. A high definition display provides consumers will turn to a service provider such as cable, Telco (if available) or satellite in order to provide them with a broader content. certainly the era of antennas will facilitate over -the-air high definition of local channels, but the increasing consumer base (figure 3) indicates that they are paying for such services due to the fact that they are seeking more in terms of High Definition programming, half of them initiated this service last year . These are the trends that service providers are studying in order to help them determine how much high definition content to provide their customers with .The graph below shows the increase in the sales of high definition displays in the late 2006, where service providers will have an even larger base of potential high definition customers. Figure 3 : high definition TELEVISION SERVICES :SUBSCRIPTION AND INITIATION Source : Scherf, K (2006) Broadband And Conectivity: It had been said that the number of worldwide households that have broadband is expected to increase from 184 million at the end of 2005 and will move towards the mark of 400 million at the end of 2010. Each consumer will center on how effectively broadband carriers build enticing packages of services and enter the realm of experience providers. Consumer research showed that unique service offerings and good consumer support happen to be key variables in improving consumer satisfaction and retaining customers. (Scherf, K 2006, pp 4-5) Broadband Enabled Content: Households with a home computer and broadband connection drive a share of digital home services and product trends now. Although the lure of a broadband connections are faster e-mail and categories of media active consumers-those consumers that have invested heavily in online applications such as music, videos ,movies and photography already number in millions of households. Research shows that a prominent percentage of U.S internet users are now paying for these online content experiences as shown in Figure 4. As more consumers begin to use internet content services as complements to existing broadband, television and mobile phone subscriptions there is bound to be an expected increase in the number of users paying for these services as value- added -services rather than the stand -alone-subscription. Revenues in the U.S for such entertainment like music, movies, gaming and videos via the internet all of which can be enjoyed with a broadband connection at home on a computer was sai d to increase $11 billion annually by the end of 2010 ,which is quiet an enormous change. ( Scherf, K 2006, pp7-8) The figure 4 below shows the percentage of internet users that are 18+ and paying for their online content .the highest percentage of users use the internet for online music and is followed by pc gaming , online console gaming shows a still lesser percentage and the least number of users for online videos. Figure 4 : Percentage of Internet Users Paying for Online Content Source: Scherf, K 2006, pp7 Most of the services currently are PC based and with the consumers strong familiarity with the internet multimedia content and their increasing desire to enjoy video content on the television will increase the demand to bridge the solutions like todays digital media adapter or electronic devices with direct connection to the internet and their home networks( television).a good example would be the HOMEZONE SERVICE offered by AT T ,which includes the internet video offerings of AKIMBO ,this is defiantly one model that can lead to the success of connected entertainment experience that consumers crave for. ( Scherf, K 2006, pp7) Multimedia Networks: The market for linking a home PC to a CE device is quiet small as of now. Furthermore the market for the digital media adapters has not fared as well as it was hoped to have by many manufactures due to many challenges such as the high prices and the less-than -perfect connectivity issues. That being said, there is going to be an expected increase in consumer use of digital content in terms of both downloading and streaming due to the emergence of multimedia network i.e. PC-CE,as consumers seek ways to extend the means of entertainment beyond their home computers. For example the GLOBAL DIGITAL LIVING research identified a global base of households in millions that are potential buyers of atleast a point-to-point music distribution system as shown in the FIGURE BELOW. (Scherf, K 2006, p 14) Figure 5: categorize Global Digital Music Enthusiasts Source : Scherf, K 2006, p 14 Already over 500,000 XBOX users have linked their xbox to their home computer, including media center systems that are beginning to enter a large base of households worldwide. Another category of products to be watched in this area is the network attached storage media servers (NAS).these will be use to back up any digital content but will also enable its users to stream its contents in various ways in the comfort of their own homes. (Scherf, K 2006, p 14) HOW HAS THE INDUSTRY UTILIZED AND DOCUMENTED THIS TREND? From his key note for the manufacturing innovation conference in 2012 held in Orlando, Florida. Futurist Jim Carrol spoke about how manufacturing companies can add value to their product through intelligence and connectivity. He said connectivity is one of the leading trends which will define products through the next 10 years. According to Jim Carrol, everything around us is built to be plugged into everything else, the essence of the devices we used then has changed to what they are now. Since everything around us is driven by innovation and the need to improvise and innovate in order to be on top and increase business velocity and how connectivity as a trend is now the driving force or the core foundation to everything in our lives. ATT is in the process of developing clothing with in- built body sensors that keep track and monitor blood pressure, perspiration rates and other health indicators. The core foundation here reflects on connectivity, and is based on the idea where one small cell phone App tracks everything. This basically gives us an idea of the rapid pace of innovation in terms of connectivity. (Caroll, J 2012) HOW HAS THE INDUSTRY UTILIZED THIS TREND IN CREATING AND CHANGING THE MARKETING MIX? All of the changes above have all taken place one after the other over night and its very obvious that these changes in peoples lifestyles will also lead to changes in how organizations approach potential customers and sell their products. Since each product is unique and has different functions and different types of buyers companies have to come up with customized marketing mix for each product. V.I. THE MARKETING MIX DESIGNED KEEPING CONNECTIVITY- AS A CONSUMER TREND IN MIND WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: PRODUCT- the means by which consumers create and share commercial and personal content, enjoy a variety of entertainment and programming Apps and enhance their productivity be it at home or on the go is evolving immensely as digital technologies are become more mainstream. We have now reached a point where the digital life style comprising the consumer activities mentioned above has become more of a reality now than ever. The last decade has seen a lot in in terms of solid activity and potential among multi- players in service delivery, development of software and platform design to address the growing consumer need for solutions in terms of enhancement of their life style and productivity application from broadband to new television services to portable music. (Scherf, K 2006, pp 5-6) The digital lifestyle market growth has largely been consumer driven and products and services have been acquired in piecemeal fashion. For instance, three-fourths of data networks in U.S households were purchased directly at retail by consumers, meaning it was up to them to decide if they had a need for network as in to share a single connection for instance; if the solution for their needs were based on social parameters such as reviews, performance and opinions from trusted and known sources; lastly if they knew how to install and configure the product. QUAD-PLAY BUNDLE is an example which includes mobile communication and entertainment services in their package. This part of the marketing plan also deals with product enhancement,in earlier times the mobile phone was nothing but a bulky voice transmitting device , now the headsets are sleek ,converged devices that not only help in transmitting or enabling voice communication but can also provide diverse experiences ,from camera li ke functions to video viewing capabilities etc. Since 2004 80% of mobiles in U.S markets have been camera capable pieces. Ever since the invention of cell phones with cameras, service providers have been offering attractive prices to entice their clients to buy a cell phone with a camera. This demand has further increased with the introduction of mega -pixel camera phones that promote services like photo sharing and printing. Also, SMS(short message service) have been futher enhanced with 2 way video calling . (Scherf, K 2006, pp 5-6 ) PLACE: with regards to connectivity there isnt a particular place that organizations can be specific of when it comes to marketing their product. They have to cover all area such as offices , homes and even connectivity on the go as people opt to stay connected even when they are travelling from one place to another be it through their lap tops ,I pads or even cell phones. The advent of the 3G technology is a good example of the know fact that people find it a necessity to be connected even when theyre on the move and hence the element of place in the marketing mix cannot be confined to 1 aspect but is has to cover all aspects of connectivity in terms of different locations. PRICE: with regards to the growing needs of consumers to stay connected, consumers are willing to pay any price to be connected at all times. Now service providers are coming up with reasonable packages for their clients to keep them connected. A good example is the etisalat triple play, (e-vision), black berry and I phone packages that are available. Fulfilling the requirement for end to end wireless applications for customers at low costs have been implemented. (ICRM India, 2012) PROMOTION: this is the most important element of the marketing mix. Service providers have various promotion methods to attract a strong client base and spread awareness of their product/service. Promotion methods include advertising via the television, magazines, internet, bill boards, and social networking sites, holding press conferences, appointing a brand ambassador to promote the product or service and lastly putting up official websites for the product. VI. WHAT ARE THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONCEPTS IN TERMS OF CONNECTIVITY? MOTIVATION: connectivity has become a major delivery channel for all industries. It creates easy access and convenience for consumers, it has also emerged as one of the easiest and most opted means of increasing and improving business agility throughout the business world from customers, partners, employers, employees and suppliers. The fact that even though it is in so much demand by consumers it is very cost effective as suppliers have come up with various schemes and benefits and most importantly different forms of connectivity ,be it via 3G connections on cell phones, 3 in 1 modem that links TV, landline and broadband connection etc. (ICRM India 2012) CONSUMERS ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE TREND: based on research it has been said that connectivity (data networking) is become a success story on its own. Penetration of data networking has grown from 2.5 million in U.S households at the end of 1998 and has said to exceed 20 million today and also an estimated 80 million worldwide because it solved a couple of key problems such as allowing multiple users to access shared resources such as broadband. (Scherf, K 2006, p 12). All consumers have a positive attitude towards the trend .The only negative aspect of the trend is the risk of using the internet if people arent well educated in terms of using the internet for online shopping, or banking etc. BUYING AND DISPOSING OF THE TREND: According to an article posted by the official JIM CARROLL website, he talks about how connectivity has no end and how it will only keep evolving. Consumers opt to use the trend as they are extremely dependant on it in terms of easy access, quality of experience, delivery and pricing of the trend. Since most of the services are online ranging from household to electronics, medical equipment etc it is impossible for consumers to replace or give up this trend no matter what. He says according to research firm IDC internet trafficking will grow to 32% each year starting from 2010 2015 (Caroll, J 2012). Hence, it is practically impossible to dispose of this trend. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL INFLUENCES ON THIS TREND: Connectivity has a customer base of active, assertive and active members identified by their craving for unique, participation and independence. This craving is motivated by several internal and external factors such as: Convenience and Personalization these consumers demand customized and personalized products and services and connectivity as a trend provides then with it. Entertainment and Experience consumers value innovative experiences and hence seeks to be engaged in it whenever they can this is also something connectivity provides its customers with. Peers Impact customers rely heavily on peer reviews for anything and everything. Secure and Easy purchasing customers want to make their purchases anywhere and at any time and in this point in time (digital age) access, speed and security is paramount and connectivity provides then with this satisfaction as well . ( Infosys 2011) Accountability and Transparency customers demand for integrity, honesty and accountability. V.THE IMPACT OF CULTURE AND SUBCULTURE ON THESE TRENDS: Culture and subculture do play an important role in this trend, it is known as consumer acculturation, it is a subset of socialization and acculturation. Consumer acculturation is only in terms of consumption processes. It can also be defines as a socialization process wherein an immigrant consumer learns the behaviors values, norms and attitudes of a culture that are not the same from their culture of origin ( T Ogden, Denise, R Ogden, James 2004, p4) Also a good example of culture and its effect on this trend is the fact that now technology is trending towards the production of more female friendly goods. Another example is now almost all countries have their online shopping site; these sites have the option of changing the display language to anything including a change in currency display. Also, one of the most obvious impact culture has on this trend is the change in language display on cell phones in any country in the world. Consumers can now choose to view their phone display in their preferred language at the click of a button. VI.CONCLUSION- HISTORY, EVOLUTION AND FUTURE OF THIS TREND: Connectivity has revolutionized the world of computers and communication and entertainment. The invention of telegraph, radio, telephone and computer are the level of such unparallel development of capabilities. Connectivity represents one of the most successful examples of the benefit of investment. Soon the trend of connectivity in terms of the internet, media, and phones was used by everyone. The commercialization of connectivity involved not only competitive development, private network services but also development of such sophisticated products that help people stay connected at all times (M Leitner, et al 2011). Connectivity is in so much demand that now it is not just a trend followed by millions but is also a necessity to most people specially in the health care sector. It is no longer only a means of networking and providing customers with entertainment and other services on the move or in the comfort of their homes but is evolved into becoming something people cannot function without. The future of this trend over the next 3 years is predicted by a trend forecaster, Jim Carroll by name. He described the trend to be never ending in terms of its evolution, and looking around us with the way we consumers behave towards this trend it is hard to say this is something we would give up or replace.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Beat Generation Essay -- essays research papers fc
The â€Å"beat movement†is a literary period born out of World War II. This movement in American Literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Characterized by personal alienation and contempt for convention, the movement celebrated stylistic freedom and spontaneity. The Beat writers created a new vision of modern life and altered the nature of awareness in America. The Beat Generation was one of the first groups of writers to break down the barriers of traditional literature and set a precedent for future writers with their writing style, their way of life, and by the messages they portrayed. They were the kids dressed in black, hanging out at coffee shops, reading their latest poetry. They protested wars, were drug users, and openly expressed homosexuality, as they expressed every aspect of their life candidly. But, the Beats are best known for their writing style. It was unique for that time to cast aside conventional structures of sentences and poetry. They used dashes instead of commas and periods; to write the way a person hears speech. Their poetry had a style of it’s own, unknown to any other groups of poets at the time; no rhyming, no structure, and non-conforming beauty. The Beat writers formed in New York City, started with only a few members, but grew to have an impact on American society, especially in literature and politics, which still lasts today. Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg were the founders of the Beat G...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effectiveness of Racial Profiling in Countering Terrorism
[Student's Name] [Professor's Name] [Subject Code and Title] Is Racial Profiling an Effective Counter Terrorism Measure? The September 11 terror attack on the American soil was followed by a successive wave of events that were aimed at countering terrorism. As the global engagement on terrorism intensified, racial profiling became more pronounced along the corridors of counter-terrorism. Conversely, the employment of racial profiling as an instrument for detecting terror suspects and countering terrorism has elicited sharp criticism from different quarters.Even as protagonists of racial profiling reiterate its effectiveness in combating terrorism, dissenting voices lament the flagrant human rights violations and racial segregations borne of racial profiling. This paper critically examines the issues surrounding racial profiling in order to form a benchmark upon which the effectiveness of racial profiling in countering terrorism can be measured. The September 11 attacks on the US soi l, which was one of the single worst acts of terrorism in the world's history, led to the re-emergence of racial profiling in full force.In a desperate effort to bring to book the perpetrators of these attacks, security agencies in the US developed prejudice on Middle-Easterners. These prejudices were then codified into law including additional security measures for Arabs and Muslims leaving and entering the US territory. It is against this backdrop that racial profiling gained prominence not only in the US but also among its allies. This then raises a very pertinent concern as to whether racial profiling is effective in countering terrorism across the globe.Security organs more often than not have based detention and interdiction of suspects primarily on the basis of their race, ethnicity and/or religion. Pickering et al argue that racial profiling occurs against the belief that certain minority groups are more likely to engage in unlawful behavior. They further posit that integrat ing national security into law has opened up the possibility that racial profiling is inevitable in predicting crime and identifying potential perpetrators of crime.Profiling is however problematic in terms of its effectiveness given the fact that it is not firstly correlated statistically to risk. Secondly, racial profiling is ineffective in substantially narrowing down a pool of potential suspects (60). Therefore, profiling of suspects fails to meet professional law enforcement principles but instead reflect prejudice and discrimination. Nevertheless, the biggest concerns over profiling lie in the invasion of privacy as well as the erosion of fundamental civil liberties.The US has been on the forefront in advocating for the sharing of Passenger Name Records (PNR) information in an effort to single out possible terror suspects. However, this action invariably subjects individuals of particular ethnicities and religions to additional security checks consequently giving leeway to arb itrary discrimination (Muffler 241). What authorities do is basically identify names on the PNR that are Muslim or Arabic in nature. With the perception that Arabs and Muslims are potential terror suspects, they subject bearers of such names to more rigorous security screening.This act does not only discriminate affected individuals but it also produces a large number of false positives. Pickering et al have ascertained that large numbers of false positives divert resources needed to enhance more productive law enforcement activities. Moreover, false positives draws attention away from real threats and this is welcome news for terrorists. To that respect, racial profiling becomes self-defeating in the sense that it overlooks mainstream target groups thus ignoring the real danger of homegrown non-target terror groups (62).In the recent past, we have had terror attacks instigated by native citizens who have been either inspired by radical religious teachings or who are angry with thei r governments for reasons known to themselves. These individuals are never prioritized by the authorities thus pose a greater danger to national security. Over-emphasis on foreigners paves way for homegrown extremists to plan and execute terror attacks undetected. It is therefore a morally repugnant practice to target individuals as terror suspects based on their race and/or religion.Not all Muslims are terrorists and neither are all people of Arabic origin terrorists. It is really fallacious to generalize Muslims and Arabs as terrorists based on religious and ethnic prejudices. This then means that these individuals who would have otherwise provided intelligence on terror activities become sympathetic to terror groups with whom they share racial and religious inclinations. In the long run, racial profiling degrades social cohesion; it fuels animosity and ends up instigating more terror attacks that it intended to counter in the first place (Pickering et al 62).Racial alienation in the wake of racial profiling has given rise to a new phenomenon referred to as social terrorism. Intolerance experienced in society today has left victims of racial profiling with indelible marks of acute, episodic and vicarious discrimination. Social terrorism shutters minds, bodies and souls with affected individuals developing serious spiritual disturbances. These disorders may include questioning the essence of living, cessation from religious practices as well as loss of vitality and aliveness.Spirituality in particular is at the heart of resilience to adversity among people of color. Attacking a person's spiritual beliefs therefore creates individuals prone to radical religious teachings. It is the victims of social terrorism that have been found to cause the worst atrocities against humanity since they have nothing to lose after all (Etiony 97). Profiling indeed increases the detection of terrorists attack in the short run. Through racial profiling, terror suspects have been apprehended before initiating their attacks.In the long run however, racial profiling creates the possibility of dangerous substitution. On the current trajectory, there is no empirical evidence whatsoever exploring the use of racial profiling as a counter terrorism measure. This means that we have no idea whether racial profiling is indeed bearing fruits in countering terrorism or not. What we are aware of is how racial profiling has negatively impacted those subjected to it (Center for Human Rights and Global justice 19).It is not my intention to ruffle people's feathers the wrong way or even stir still waters. To that respect, I will try my very best to keep friendly skies friendly by condemning terrorism unreservedly with the strongest words possible. Terrorism destabilizes democracies by attacking the life and liberties of citizens. It must be met with firmness and increased co-operation among democratic countries. However, inasmuch as we must counter terrorism, we must denounc e the escalation of barbaric acts that strike down innocent victims.People do not immigrate to foreign lands just to bomb them but they rather do so to appreciate the quality of life in these foreign countries. It is therefore incumbent upon the citizens of resident countries to welcome these foreigners and help them integrate in their communities. When all is said and done, it is imperative that we win the war on terrorism if we desire to make the world a peaceful haven. This war will not however be won through covert and coercive methods of intelligence gathering. Law enforcement agencies must desist from hiding their laziness and inefficiencies behind racial bigotry.What is needed is development of security structures for sharing intelligence between security agents and citizens on counter terror activities. Security agencies can no longer afford to guard terrorism as a top secret since terrorism affects all people regardless of their status in society. Fundamental rights must ne ver become casualties of the politics of fear that have characterized States' response to the war on terror. A faithful adherence to human rights incorporated in international, regional, and domestic law is the only sure way of securing and protecting all persons.Works Cited Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. Irreversible Consequences: Racial Profiling and Lethal Force in the War on Terror. NY: NYU School of Law, 2006. Print. Etiony, Aldarando. Advancing Social Justice Through Clinical Practice. NJ: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 2008. Print. Muffler, J. Steven. Racial Profiling: Issues, Data and Analyses. NY: Nova Science P, 2006. Print. Pickering, Sharon, McCulloch and Wright-Neville David. Counter-Terrorism Policing: Community, Cohesion and Security. NY: Springer, 2008. Print.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Psychology of Serial Killers
The Psychology of Serial Killers I didn`t want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them. This is a quote from David Berkowitz, A.K.A., the Son of Sam. David Berkowitz and all of the other serial killers tend to think in unique ways. This paper will talk to you about characteristics, motives, different phases, and the correlation between behavior and aggression. Serial killers like everyone else have certain characteristics that set them apart. To be considered a bonafied serial killer you must murder at least three to four people with a cooling off period between each murder. These killings are usually one on one and are repetitive, occurring with greater or lesser frequency over time (Characteristics of Serial Murder). Serial killers usually don`t have a connection with the victim and they very rarely if ever have a rational motive. The serial killer likes to murder people in the same pattern, usually with a high degree of overkill.English: Photo of Enriqueta Marti (Sant Feliu de L...This degree of overkill sets th em a part from different serial killers.Serial murderers also have different motives for their murders. One of the most obvious is that they turn to murdering for a sense of power (Forwood). For this sense of power they usually attack societies weakest members and those weaker than themselves (Forwood). This includes the homeless, impaired, and usually the young of both sexes. When they kill the homeless and impaired they are usually acting on the Missionary Motive. This is when they feel that it is their responsibility to rid society of its unwanted inhabitants. There are also Visionary killers which are usually instructed to kill by the voices that are in their head (schizophrenia). The last type of these motives is the Hedonist. They kill because it brings them the pleasure to do so. This group is separated into three...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Red River Rebellion Essays
Red River Rebellion Essays Red River Rebellion Paper Red River Rebellion Paper Essay Topic: Second Treatise of Government This paper will look at the views of five different authors and their views on the Red River Rebellion. The sources that surround the Red River Rebellion come from people of many different scholarly backgrounds, walks of life and opinions. To really understand an event that happened so long ago it is important to see the way that a variety of different people have viewed the issue. Some differing approaches to this occurrence in 1 869 showing many sides and views of what happened such as the Idea that Riel could not have been behind the rebellion, the Idea that It was In fact Riel who made the Red River Rebellion happen, the involvement of the British in the conflict, blame that may be placed on the Canadian government at the time and the perspective of the MÂ ©its peoples are all very important aspects that must be looked at as one searches for Ideas about the Red River Rebellion. The five sources that have chosen to look at which show in very different lights where the blame should be placed for the Red River Rebellion of 1869 are as follows. Thomas Flagmans Political Theory of the Red River Resistance, written in 1978, G. Ens Prologue to the Red River Resistance: Prenatal Politics and the Triumph of Riel, written in 1994, J. P. Smiths Riel Rebellion of 1869: New Light on British Liberals and the use of Force on the Canadian Frontier, from 1995, J. M. Bunkmates Crisis at Red River: 125 Years Ago Louis Riel Defied Canada also written in 1 995, and finally Donald Paunchs 1988 book The MÂ ©its. In 1978 Thomas Flanagan wrote an article In the Canadian Journal of Political Science, entitled Political Theory of the Red River Resistance: The Declaration of December 8, 1869. This article makes the major point that critical texts such as this declaration must be examined critically from the perspectives of many types of scholars Including the political scholar. The key conclusion that Flanagan draws from the political analysis of The Declaration of December 8, 1869- which is also known as the Declaration of the People of Ruptures Land and the North West is that the billion was not actually Louis Riels work as so many believe it is. Flanagan speaks of Riel and the people of Red River as being Immature and unreasonable; he says that they would have been unable to rebel in such a large way without some intense help and advice. The main source that Flanagan uses is the actual Declaration of December 8, 1869, as this Is what much of his article Is based around. However It is not the only source that he has used to help him draw the conclusions about Riel and the Red River Rebellion which he has discussed. Flanagan also sites A. G. Memories A Critical Theory of the Red River Insurrection, G. F. G Stanley The Birth of Western Canada and John Lockers Second Treatise of Government throughout his article. These sources all seem to do a good Job In backing up the point that Flanagan makes regarding Riels Inability to have been the mastermind behind the Red River Rebellion, however John Lockers 1 OFF second I rattle AT Government, although a g source Tort many Ideas Ana writings, seems not to fit in regarding this specific topic, as it may have more to do with political actions in Europe rather than in the early days of Canada. Flagmans article is written very clearly from a political perspective and from this moms a clear bias. This political theory paper discusses in detail the incapability of Riel and through this argument one may see that Flanagan gives very little credit to the MÂ ©its for the planning of the rebellion which they as a community carried out. This bias is obvious and the language used shows almost a disdain for the MÂ ©its population and portrays them in a very diminutive and incapable light, giving them no credit at all for the thought behind the actions which were taken in 1869. While Flanagan argues that Riel was not the mastermind behind the Red River Rebellion Gerhard J. Ens looks at this event in a very different light in his article Prologue to the Red River Resistance: Pre-lamina Politics and the Triumph of Riel. This article by Ens discusses the early period of the Red River Rebellion/Resistance prior to the occurrence of the barrier being erected at Riviera Sale by Riel and his men preventing the newly appointed Lieutenant Governor from entering the Red River colony. The plight of Riel and the work that he put into this rebellion is discussed by Ens as he speaks of the competition to assume leadership of the MÂ ©its cause in the Red River colony. Riel won the leadership rights Ens tells us as he stressed the rights of French and Catholic people rather than the minimal rights of the Aboriginal community. Ens argues in his article that this leadership competition set the tone for the larger rebellion that was to come. In this sense Ens article and Flagmans article differ, however Ens also says to the reader that Riels attempt to build consensus within the colony was impeded. Ens uses a variety of sources to construct his argument on the Red River Rebellion. The main sources that he cites are The Collected Writings of Lois Riel, Seasonal Papers from Canadas Parliament (House of Commons), Red River Journal by Alexander Begs and interestingly enough, Political Writings on the Red River Rebellion by Thomas Flanagan. The sources that Ens uses to substantiate his argument seem much more effective as many of them are primary sources and give perspectives from the MÂ ©its who were actually a part of the community in which the rebellion occurred. Ens uses the writings of people such as Louis Riel to give a clear picture of what was actually going on and how the MÂ ©its viewed the issue as well as vying the perspective of the Canadian government and looking at documents that came from them to see their point of view and actions in regards to the Red River Rebellion. A very different picture of the Red River Rebellion of 1869 is given by James Patterson Smith in his article entitled Riel Rebellion of 1869: New Light on British Liberals and the use of Force on the Canadian Frontier. Patterson Smith looks at the Red River Rebellion in terms of imperial considerations. His article discusses the British involvement on the Canadian frontier making many valid points regarding this involvement. Patterson Smith focuses mainly on the point that Britains official policy was to withdraw British garrisons from Canada and other self governing colonies at the time, however Canadas commitment to the empire and belief in the value of the empire to Britain in terms of world politics drove Canada to prod Britain into Involvement In Trotter Issues sun as ten Rear Ruler Relation. Nils article, Wendell different from the others in the perspective that it takes seems to be very important in understanding the motives and the forces behind the decision of the British to ploy imperial troops in Manitoba to end the rebellions. While the other articles focus on whom and what was the main force and brains behind the rebellions, Patterson Smith shows the other side, the British side. Patterson Smith like Ens, references the Political Writings on the Red River Rebellion by Thomas Flanagan, he also uses a variety of documents from the Colonial Office Minutes on Young Correspondence and the Colonial Office Confidential Memorandum Regarding Disturbances in the Red River Settlement. All of these sources seem to be extremely beneficial in the writing of this article regarding British involvement as Patterson Smith has gone straight to the source of where and why the British became involved in the conflict by looking at the meetings that were held and the documents which were created. A bias is definitely shown in James Patterson Smiths article, as it is all about the British perspective and discusses how it was the Canadian governments idea to involve the British. This article does not really show the perspective of the MÂ ©its populations involved in the rebellion which may have been useful in showing other reasons for why the Canadian government may have needed the assistance of the British on the Canadian frontier. Bias is inevitable in article such as this however and in this article it seems as if the bias is necessary and very useful in giving the reader a look at the Red River Rebellion from a different viewpoint. So far the Red River Rebellion has been looked at as being thought up and the fault of someone much more intelligent and mature than Louis Riel, as well as by Riel. We have also looked at the perspectives of the British government regarding their involvement in the Red River Rebellion. It is only fitting in this view of whos fault ND the way on which different people were involved and effected to look also at the rebellion as being the fault of the Canadian government. J. M. Bumpiest, a professor of history at SST. Johns College, University of Manitoba writes an article entitled Crisis at Red River: 125 years ago Louis Riel Defied Canada. This article discusses a variety of ideas regarding the Red River Rebellion and how and why it occurred. Bemused argues that the Red River Rebellion was almost inevitable as the MÂ ©its populations, as any other population would do, resisted the takeover of land by Canada surrounding the Red River Community. It was in fact the fault of the Canadian government that the Red River Rebellion began as they were sloppy and unwilling to let the community know what was going on says Bemused. Although the exact sources that Bemused uses to substantiate his claims are not given it can be seen that he uses many sources such as minutes and acts passed by the House of Commons in Canada as well as proclamations made by various people such as Louis Riel and important Acts that were essential during the period of rebellion such as the Manitoba Act. These sources give the paper an overall feeling of Ruth and reliability as Bemused frequently quotes documents and people who were present at the time of the 1869 Red River Rebellion. This article seems very different than the others in the way in which it is written, it is fairly obvious that it is the work of a historian and is a very good contrast to other articles by political theorists, anthropologists, Ana a wee variety AT toner canolas. It Is very Interesting to see ten thoughts of Bemused as a historian and his thoughts seem to encompass those of many other historians. A bias is very clearly presented in Bunkmates article as he blatantly discusses the stakes and stupidity of the Canadian government in not informing the Native populations surrounding Red River about what was happening. Bemused very obviously feels that the rebellions were not the fault of the MÂ ©its populations although they were the ones to begin the violence, but that they were in fact initiated by the natural reaction that the MÂ ©its would have had to what the Canadians were doing about the land surrounding them. The final work that will be looked at in regards to the Red River Rebellion is a book by D. Purist, The MÂ ©its. Throughout this work the lives and customs as well as the story of the MÂ ©its is discussed in great detail. One chapter in particular however deals extensively with the Red River Rebellion. This work does not display an argument regarding the rebellion or an opinion; rather it seems to be an attempt at giving the facts of the events of 1869 from the perspectives of many, not only the government but also the MÂ ©its peoples. Purist uses many different sources in the writing of his book, everything from books and government documents to court decisions and the press. This book is very well written and the extensive list of sources that Purist has drawn upon gives the kook credibility as he looks at various sources from Native peoples or MÂ ©its perspectives as well as those by the Canadian government and other individuals of European descent. This book while giving a seemingly unbiased and factual account of the Red River Rebellion does have an underlying bias as it is written to share the story of the MÂ ©its. For this reason the Canadian government and other people who opposed the MÂ ©its during the time of the Red River Rebellion are looked at in a very different light.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Anthropologic Comparison Of Orangutans, Gorillas, And Chimpanzees Essay
Anthropologic Comparison Of Orangutans, Gorillas, And Chimpanzees - Essay Example Studies have revealed that female orangutans solely assume the responsibility of rearing their children whereas the males their work is over once they mate. This implies the male is not that social, which prompts their young males once they reach maturity to leave their mothers to live the solitary life (Maggioncalda 14). Chimpanzees are the most social primates compared to both the orangutans and gorillas (Haviland 59). Consequently, this is has prompted numerous scientists to refer to their social structure as "fusion-fission" due to the close-knit groups, which they normally maintain. Mainly these social units comprise of 10 chimpanzees where they usually move together from one place to another in search of food (Haviland 59). Contrary to the gorillas and orangutans, they usually keep strong family or community bonds that may carry on for a lifetime. Dominance in any group by males adopts the age’s hierarchy, where the old chimp becomes the alpha primate, which is also evident among their females though they are under males. Chimpanzees unlike to the orangutans, they guard their territory by touring their boundaries. Once another male chimpanzee intrudes the territory, others gang up against the intruder. However, almost mature female chimpanzees are free to move from one group to another bu t still maintain their natal bond, which is contrary to the orangutans (Primate Infor Net). Gorillas’ social structure is in between that of chimpanzees and orangutans. This is because one male commonly referred to as silverback usually dominates one female troop; mainly for mating and protection purposes (ONeil).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
EMAS Advantages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EMAS Advantages - Essay Example The System depth gradually increases as the airplane travels into the arrestor crib, providing increasing deceleration when needed by faster or heavier aircraft. Aircraft run out distance gets determined by the airplane bed configuration size, weight and speed (Richard de Neufville, 2003). At most commercial airfields, the RSA remains 500 feet wide extending 1000ft beyond each runway end. The FAA has this requisite in an event that an airplane of the overruns, undershoots, or swings off the sides of the runway (Richard de Neufville, 2003). The greatest danger of these incidents remain overruns, but since many airdromes got built before the 1000ft RSA length got adopted 20 years ago, the range beyond the runway end remains where many airdromes cannot achieve the full RSA standard. This is due to complications such as water bodies, highways, railroads and severe drop-off of terrain or populated areas (Richard de Neufville, 2003). The FAA devours a high - priority program of enhancing safety by advancement of the RSA at commercial airports and provides federal aid to support those advancements. However, it still can not be feasible for some airports to attain the RSA standard. The FAA, perceptive that it would be hard to achieve a RSA standard at every airport, began steering research in the end of 20th century to determine how to guarantee maximum safety at airdromes where the full RSA may not be obtained. Working in performance with the Dayton University, the New York Port Authority and the ESCO (Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation) the new technology developed to provide an additional measure of safety (Richard de Neufville, 2003). This system remains a cost - effective approach of improving safety where the runway safety area distance stays limited by site circumstances. The range of airplane operating at each airfield and available overrun distance in each runway gets
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