Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Benefits of Dramatic Play in Cognitive and Creative...
The earliest years of life are some of the most important in a persons life. Childhood is a time of physical, mental, emotional, and social development. There are many factors that help contribute to these developments such as a nutritious diet, nurturing, emotional support, and physical activity, especially play. Playing is a very important part of childhood and can be beneficial to the development of the child and is the focus of my discussion. First, I will describe the four different types of play; second, I will argue the beneficial effects of dramatic play on cognitive and creative skills by presenting the significant findings of two correlation studies as well as their limitations. Scientists have observed and analyzed†¦show more content†¦The second kind of play is constructive play and it refers to making something from objects; this is typical for children between the ages of three and six (Fromberg, 2006). Examples of constructive play include: drawing with crayons, playing with building blocks, molding something out of clay, etc. Constructive play can be further categorized: it will be helpful however, to distinguish between several types of products in constructive play: the pattern, the object, the system, and the sequence (Fromberg, 2006). For example, a child who is playing with blocks or coloring with crayons might create patterns in their work, and for older children this is important to observe because they translate their play with patterns into the notations of mathematics, music and computer language (Fromberg, 2006). Fromberg (2006) makes further observations based on Forman and Hill (1984): a child who is engaged in constructive p lay just to play has a much different experience than a child creating something with a goal in mind. It is possible to play constructively without having a finish product in mind, or to play in order to achieve the end-goal. Here we can clearly see that Smilansky’s categories can be distinguished further than she originally proposed. Dramatic play takes imagination and it is what Smilansky (1968) described as role-playing and engaging in make-believe or pretendShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Dramatic Play On Children983 Words  | 4 PagesDramatic play gives children many opportunities to grow and learn. Children will learn communication skills, physical skills and children will also be able to use imagination and be able to be creative with their own ideas. Dramatic play can give children so many opportunities to grow without them even knowing. Dramatic play will help children gain communication skills just by talking with the other children. In order for the children to play together they must listen to one another and be ableRead MoreChildhood Education : Developmentally Appropriate Practices885 Words  | 4 Pageschildren love to play. 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